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Find Out How Expanding Medicaid Will Help People in Your State:

Twenty-four states still haven't acted to make more struggling families eligible for Medicaid -- including many of the states that would benefit most. Check out our new resource center to find out how Medicaid expansion will help people across the country.

Twenty-four states still haven't acted to make more struggling families eligible for Medicaid — including many of the states that would benefit most.

Here's why that's a problem: If these states don't opt to expand Medicaid, 5.7 million people won't have access to health insurance coverage in 2016.

Want to know exactly how Medicaid expansion will help millions of Americans? Check out our new resource center, featuring an interactive map that shows what expanding Medicaid would mean for people in each state — from access to affordable health insurance and preventive care, to new jobs created.

See how Medicaid expansion will help people across the country — and spread the word on Twitter and Facebook.

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