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Turning your GreenGov Ideas into Action

Even though voting has ended, the GreenGov Challenge isn’t over. Learn how we're taking this bottom-up approach to greening government to the next level.

This past Saturday, the GreenGov Challenge came to a close – with over 14,000 federal and military personnel submitting over 5,300 ideas and casting more than 165,000 votes.  When we first launched this program, we weren’t sure what kind of response we’d receive.  But it’s safe to say that this outpouring of participation by the federal community has shattered our expectations.

We’d like to give a shout out to all those across government who helped promote this initiative – from EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson to the U.S. Coast Guard -- and of course, a special thanks to the thousands who shared their brightest ideas and voted for the best ones.

Even though voting has ended, the GreenGov Challenge isn’t over.  Tomorrow, some of the top ideas will be presented to the Steering Committee on Federal Sustainability, a group comprised of a senior official from each agency who is responsible for delivering each agency’s sustainability plan.  The meeting will be streamed live on starting at 3:30pm EST.

Be sure to tune-in to learn how we’re taking this bottom-up approach to greening government to the next level.