Milwaukee, Wisconsin

The new school year always brings a mix of emotions. All at once, we feel the anticipation of new classmates and teachers.

For parents: the relief of not having to hear “I’m bored!” again and again. The anxiety of juggling your family’s complicated schedule. And that was before the uncertainties of COVID.

Now, a simple cough can start your heart racing. And you know that a quarantine could send your kids home and upend your life once again.

Parents, this is hard, but you’re doing your best—and I want you to know: You’re not alone.

As a teacher for more than 30 years—in fact, I just started my semester last week—and as a mom, I’ve seen that classrooms are so much more than places where our children learn math and reading.

We’ve all seen it. When our kids make friends that last for years, when they learn to settle disagreements or find the confidence to try out for sports teams. Parents rely on schools, too, heading to our own jobs, knowing that our kids are in an environment we trust.

That’s why I’m so grateful for the educators—like those here at Marvin Pratt Elementary—who helped us through the last year. When families needed help the most, educators answered the call.

And it’s also why I’m grateful for states like Wisconsin and governors like yours that are providing strong leadership to reopen our schools.

The American Rescue Plan increases access to broadband and tech devices, creates additional learning opportunities outside of the classroom, and provides more mental health support.

And Governor Evers is working closely with the Biden-Harris Administration to make sure Wisconsin has what they need to help keep schools safe.

We’ve made so much progress. But I know parents still have questions. I’m here today because your children matter to me—and they matter to the President.

My husband, Joe, is committed to being a partner to you. That’s why he released a bold plan last week to make sure all of our schools can stay safe and open—by helping to ensure that the adults and students who surround our children are vaccinated.

We can’t know what the future holds, but we know what we owe our children.

We owe them a promise to do all we can to keep their schools open and as safe as possible.

We owe them a commitment to follow the science.

And we owe them unity—so we can fight the virus, not each other.

I’m here today to talk about how your school is welcoming students back to in-person learning—and hear how it’s going for your families. I know this is complicated, but we are going to keep listening and learning from your experiences.

We are committed to working as hard for your children as you do—and together, I know we will find a way forward.


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