State Dining Room, The White House

It’s great to be here today with a fellow community college professor and Delawarean. Lieutenant Garden, thank you for sharing your story, and for adding a new link to the chain of your family’s military legacy. I am so grateful to you, John, and Jaiden for your family’s service.

General Nordhaus, you are guided by a deep sense of purpose. Thank you for your decades of service to our country—and for this new chapter, as you will make the Guard stronger and more resilient.

I’m also grateful to Major General Wendy Wenke, SEA John Raines, and his spouse Karen for their record of service and leadership.

The Bidens are a Guard family—our son Beau was a Major in the Delaware National Guard. So we understand what makes Guard life different.

You don’t live on bases. One day, you’ll be in uniform—and the next, you’ll be running a small business, practicing law, or teaching at a community college.

You live and work and worship among civilians. And through your service, you become the beating heart of your communities.

But I also know that this life isn’t easy. It asks you to balance the demands of a career with the responsibilities of stepping up for our country, to spend time away from your families—sometimes at a moment’s notice—and to put your lives on the line to answer the call of duty.

The day after Joe’s inauguration in 2021, I brought baskets of chocolate chip cookies to National Guard troops who had kept all of us safe on that important day. It was a small act, but full of a Guard mom’s love and gratitude.

National Guard families are always in my heart.

As First Lady, I’ve made National Guard families—and all military families—a priority.

Over the past four years, through our initiative to support military families, called Joining Forces, we’ve been helping make sure that National Guard kids have the support they need in schools, that spouses have all of the career opportunities they deserve, and that we care for both the physical and mental health of our service members.

I began my time as First Lady by thanking National Guard members, and I remain grateful. For your service, and for sharing your stories and hopes with me. I have been so proud to work together, arm in arm, to make this life a little easier for fellow Guard families.

Now, this is a special time of year as we transform this house for the holidays. And one of the privileges I have as First Lady is deciding who will be the first to experience the magic of the season here at the White House.

Every year, I’ve asked to share it with National Guard families.

So today, I hope you’ve found delight in everything from the gingerbread house to the carousel that circles the tree in the Blue Room—and that even in the flow of the holiday season, you would find peace in your purpose and strength in your community.

May God bless you and your families.

Happy holidays!


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