Building on the success of the Federal Program Inventory (FPI) launched last year by the Biden-Harris Administration, today the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) is releasing a substantial update to the FPI that significantly improves its usability, functionality, and depth of information.

The FPI is a publicly available tool with critical information about Federal programs. When it was released last year, the FPI delivered on a mandate from Congress to create a single website that displayed Federal program information. Today’s release demonstrates the Biden-Harris Administration’s continued strong commitment to expanding this valuable tool — making it easier for potential beneficiaries to find the programs they need and ensuring the effective stewardship of taxpayer funds.  The update today responds to feedback from users, including the Congress and the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO).

Today’s update adds more than 200 new programs, including Federal tax credits that provide critical benefits to millions of families and businesses across America. These programs represent nearly $3 trillion in FY2024 expenditures (combined outlays and revenue losses), ensuring we are better accounting for an accurate set of expenditures of the U.S. Government. In addition to expanding the number of programs included in the FPI, new information is now available for existing programs, where applicable, including program rules and regulations and new program spending information (comparing outlays to obligations). Finally, this major enhancement to the FPI includes a vastly improved search function and user experience. These enhancements will enable members of the public, policymakers, and other interested parties to quickly find programs and related information.

OMB remains committed to enhancing the FPI and is eager to hear feedback on our tool and ways to strengthen it in future FPI releases. Please provide any feedback via

This release is another major step towards continuing to increase the transparency of federal operations and spending. Grounded in a vision of an equitable, effective, and accountable government that delivers results for all Americans, OMB will continue to work with stakeholders to iteratively improve the FPI.

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