Spectrum—the invisible radio frequencies that wireless signals travel over—is among our nation’s most important national resources, supporting America’s economy, technological advances, and security. To ensure that all of America can share in the benefits of this resource, the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy is releasing the National Spectrum Research and Development (R&D) Plan.

This new plan will serve as a tool to guide government decisions on spectrum-related research, shape private sector efforts, and provide a shared reference for stakeholders. The overall goal is to ensure continued U.S. leadership in spectrum R&D. Specifically, the plan identified opportunities for spectrum-related R&D in four categories:

  • Innovation areas for use-inspired research. Work inspired by current or likely operational spectrum use cases, often linked to specific frequency bands, normally placing high importance on cost-effectiveness, and potentially coupled to specific application needs or constraints
  • Innovation areas for fundamental research. Work that explores the frontier of possibility in spectrum science and engineering, sometimes resulting in unexpected payoffs that can occur decades later, and normally driven by speculative ideas or the curiosity of researchers
  • Research accelerators. Activities that enable faster spectrum R&D progress
  • Organizational improvements. Ways to better structure spectrum R&D

This strategy will help ensure continued U.S. leadership in spectrum R&D, outlining a path to meet our growing spectrum needs. A copy of the full plan is available here.


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