FACT SHEET: Biden-Harris Administration Launches Nine Life Experience Projects to Streamline Service Delivery for the American People

As part of the Administration’s ongoing efforts to improve customer experience and service delivery for the American people, today the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) announced nine Life Experience projects that will help streamline service delivery at some of the most critical moments in people’s lives. Too often, Americans are forced to navigate a…

OMB and GSA Announce Technology Modernization Fund Will Designate $100 Million to Improve Customer Experiences with the Federal Government

The funding will support innovative technology projects focused on reducing burdens on the American public and the federal workers who serve them. Today, the Office of Management and Budget and the General Services Administration announced that $100 million of the Technology Modernization Fund (TMF)—an innovative investment program for Federal technology modernization projects—will be designated to…

Remarks: National Cyber Director Coker Remarks at University of Nevada, Reno

Reno, Nevada July 26, 2024 Remarks as Prepared for Delivery Good afternoon! Thank you, President Sandoval, for the introduction and for inviting the Office of the National Cyber Director to campus today. And most importantly, thank you to the teachers here today. I’m proud to be here to celebrate your hard work and incredible dedication…

Remarks: National Cyber Director Coker Remarks at Glendale Community College

Glendale, Arizona July 25, 2024 Remarks As Prepared for Delivery Good afternoon! Thank you, Dr. Tiffany Hernandez, for the introduction and for inviting me to campus today. Your and your staff’s leadership are truly inspiring. To students, faculty, and other partners, it’s a pleasure to spend time with you today. I’ve enjoyed meeting so many…

FACT SHEET: The Biden-Harris Administration Highlights Recent Successes in Improving Customer Service and Delivery for Safety Net Benefits; Identifies Opportunities for States for Further Improvement

Millions of American families count on programs like the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Medicaid, the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC), and child care to support their health, nutrition, and well-being. These programs have a proven record of supporting better life outcomes for parents and children alike.  Beginning with the…

First Lady Dr. Jill Biden

First Lady Jill Biden: community college educator, military mother & grandmother, and wife of President Joseph R. Biden, Jr.

Remarks as Prepared for Delivery by First Lady Jill Biden at Columbus’ Workforce Hub Launch Convening

Columbus, Ohio Thank you, Mayor Ginther. Columbus is stronger with your leadership. Congresswoman Beatty, Joe is lucky to have a partner like you in Congress—and we’re grateful for all you do. And Council President Hardin, thank you for hosting us in this beautiful space. The entire city council, along with the Columbus Workforce Hub partners and other…

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