A Proclamation on Veterans Day, 2023

     This Veterans Day, we honor the generations of women and men who have served and sacrificed — not for a person, a place, or a President — but for an idea unlike any other:  the idea of the United States of America.  For nearly 250 years, our veterans have defended the values that…

A Proclamation on National Atomic Veterans Day, 2024

Our military service members and veterans live by a code of duty, putting their lives on the line to keep all of us safe.  Few exemplify that creed better than Atomic Veterans.  These former members of our Armed Forces not only courageously served our country but also participated in the nuclear tests done between 1945…

Neera Tanden Remarks to Press on Veterans Day

As Prepared For Delivery: Good afternoon, everyone, and happy (almost) Veterans Day! President Biden has made clear that our nation has a sacred obligation to support the men and women we send into harm’s way, and to care for them and their families when they return home. Supporting our veterans is something we can all…

FACT SHEET: To Mark Veterans Day, Biden-Harris Administration Highlights Historic Care, Benefits & New Actions to Support Veterans and Their Families

Administration sets record for care and $163 billion in benefits delivered to veterans through President Biden’s Unity Agenda President Biden believes we have a sacred obligation to care our nation’s veterans and their families. Simply put, we owe them a debt we can never fully repay. Supporting those who wear the uniform is a commitment…

A Proclamation on National Atomic Veterans Day, 2023

     The dawn of the nuclear age is familiar to many — the development of new science, but also new risks and destruction, as witnessed by the devastation at Hiroshima and Nagasaki.  But the lesser-known story is that of the members of our Armed Forces who participated in nuclear tests from 1945 to 1962 or…

READOUT: White House Hosts Inaugural Veteran Scam and Fraud Evasion Task Force Meeting to Discuss Protecting Veterans and Service Members from Fraud

Task Force agrees to pursue “no wrong door approach” for veterans and service members to receive resources and report fraud and scams On Tuesday, Department of Veterans Affairs Secretary Denis McDonough, National Economic Advisor Lael Brainard, and Domestic Policy Advisor Neera Tanden convened the first meeting of the Veteran Scam and Fraud Evasion (VSAFE) Task…

Neera Tanden Remarks to Press on Veteran Homelessness

As Prepared For Delivery: Good afternoon, everyone.   As of last year, there were over 580,000 homeless people in this country. Four out of every 10 of those individuals were unsheltered—living on the streets, in tents, in cars, or other places. And many are veterans who have served our country. Homelessness is a challenge we…

Readout of White House Meeting with Leaders of Veteran-Serving Organizations

On Tuesday, the White House Office of Public of Engagement and Domestic Policy Council hosted leaders of several national veteran-serving organizations ahead of Veterans Day. During the meeting, the leaders acknowledged President Biden’s record of supporting our nations veterans, their families, caregivers and survivors — a core pillar of his Unity Agenda for the nation…

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