Press Briefing by Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre and National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan | Vilnius, Lithuania

Vilnius Town HallVilnius, Lithuania 8:39 A.M. EEST MS. JEAN-PIERRE:  Good morning, everyone.  I’m just going to be super brief.  I just wanted to welcome everyone to Vilnius, Lithuania, for the seventy- — 74th — 75th NATO S- — 74th NATO Summit.  Anyway, as you all know, we have the National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan here to…

Background Press Call by Senior Administration and Military Officials on the Return of Private King from the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea

9:30 A.M. EDT MODERATOR:  All right, we’re going to go ahead and get started here.  Thank you so much for your patience.  This is [moderator].  So, good morning.  I’ve got good news to share this morning, attributable to a “U.S. official.”  I can immediately confirm that Private Travis King is in U.S. custody.  We are still going to…

Readout of Vice President Harris’s Meeting with Prime Minister Marin of Finland and Prime Minister Kristersson of Sweden

Vice President Kamala Harris met with Prime Minister Sanna Marin of Finland and Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson of Sweden in Munich, Germany on February 18.  Vice President Harris and Prime Ministers Marin and Kristersson discussed the close bonds and cooperation between the United States and Finland and Sweden.  The Vice President reiterated the U.S. commitment…

Statement from National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan on the Announcement of Türkiye’s Intention to send Finland’s NATO Accession Protocols to Parliament

The United States welcomes President Erdogan’s announcement that he will send Finland’s NATO accession protocols to the Turkish Parliament and looks forward to the prompt conclusion of that process. We encourage Türkiye to quickly ratify Sweden’s accession protocols as well. In addition, we urge Hungary to conclude its ratification process for both Finland and Sweden without…

Readout of National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan’s Meeting with Swedish National Security Advisor Henrik Landerholm

National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan met today with Henrik Landerholm, National Security Advisor to the Prime Minister of Sweden.  They discussed the strong ties and close cooperation between the United States and Sweden, including during Sweden’s current presidency of the Council of the European Union.  Mr. Sullivan reiterated the U.S. commitment to welcoming Sweden and…

Readout of the Third United States – Nordic Leaders’ Summit

On 13 July 2023, the Presidents of Finland and the United States and the Prime Ministers of Denmark, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden met in Helsinki for the third U.S.-Nordic Leaders’ Summit. Building on the previous meetings in the same format, the leaders reconfirmed the strong U.S.-Nordic partnership and the intensifying cooperation between their countries, focusing…

Readout of National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan’s Meeting with Swedish National Security Advisor Henrik Landerholm

National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan met today with National Security Advisor Henrik Landerholm of Sweden in London, United Kingdom.  Mr. Sullivan reiterated the United States’ strong support for Sweden joining NATO as soon as possible.  Mr. Sullivan and Mr. Landerholm reviewed the security situation in Europe, including their commitment to continue supporting Ukraine in the…

A Proclamation on Leif Erikson Day, 2023

It is believed that, roughly a millennium ago, Leif Erikson and his crew became the first Europeans to set foot in North America.  These Norse explorers boldly charted new paths that would inspire adventurers for centuries to come.  With bravery, optimism, and tireless effort, Leif Erikson embodied many of the same traits that future generations…

Remarks by President Biden and NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg in Official Greeting | Vilnius, Lithuania

Lithuanian Exhibition and Conference CenterVilnius, Lithuania 1:15 P.M. EEST SECRETARY GENERAL STOLTENBERG:  President Biden, dear Joe, welcome to the NATO Summit.  And many, many thanks for your strong leadership making this alliance united and even stronger.  This summit is already historic because the agreement we made yesterday will make Sweden a full member of NATO.  And…

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