The Jerusalem U.S.-Israel Strategic Partnership Joint Declaration

The leaders of the United States and Israel, President Biden and Prime Minister Lapid, met in Jerusalem on 14 July 2022, and adopted the following Joint Declaration on the US-Israel Strategic Partnership: The United States and Israel reaffirm the unbreakable bonds between our two countries and the enduring commitment of the United States to Israel’s…

FACT SHEET: Strengthening the United States-Canada Partnership

As President Biden has said, the United States has no closer friend, partner, or ally than Canada.  Over the past 150 years, our two countries have built one of the closest and most extensive relationships. Canada is our largest trading partner, with nearly $2.6 billion in goods and services crossing our shared border, the world’s…

Press Gaggle by Press Secretary Jen Psaki

Aboard Air Force OneEn Route Cincinnati, Ohio 12:31 P.M. EDT MS. PSAKI:  So, welcome to our trip to Cincinnati.  This is my last gaggle on Air Force One, so I have a lot of things to get off my chest.  (Laughter.)  I’m just kidding. Okay, I wanted to give you guys a sense of the…

Remarks by President Biden, Prime Minister Kishida Fumio of Japan, Prime Minister Narendra Modi of India, and Prime Minister Anthony Albanese of Australia at the Second In-Person Quad Leaders’ Summit

KanteiTokyo, Japan 10:35 A.M. JST PRIME MINISTER KISHIDA:  (As interpreted.)  Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.  President Biden, Prime Minister Modi, Prime Minister Albanese: I am delighted to welcome my friends to Tokyo.  In particular, I thank Prime Minister Albanese.  Welcome to Tokyo.  I would like to offer him my sincere congratulations for assuming the post…

Remarks by President Biden in a Press Conference

Hilton HiroshimaHiroshima, Japan 6:57 P.M. JST THE PRESIDENT:  Please have a seat.  I don’t think there’s enough press here.  (Laughs.) Well, good evening, everyone.  Before turning to the important work we accomplished here at the G7, I want to take a few minutes addressing the budget negotiations that I’m heading back home to — to…

Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jen Psaki, April 18, 2022

James S. Brady Press Briefing Room 4:07 P.M. EDT      (The Easter Bunny enters the room and stands at the podium.) MS. PSAKI:  Who knows who’s under here?  (Laughter.)  No more bunny business.  (The Easter Bunny leaves the podium.) That’s the line we worked on.  Do you guys like it?  (Laughter.) Thank you for joining us,…

Announcing Tribal Consultation and Public Input Opportunities on Indigenous Traditional Ecological Knowledge in Federal Policy

By: Alondra Nelson, Deputy Assistant to the President, Deputy Director for Science and Society performing the duties of the Director, Office of Science and Technology Policy Brenda Mallory, Chair, Council on Environmental Quality Today we are excited to announce a series of opportunities for Tribal Consultation and public engagement to discuss the White House’s efforts…

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