Statement from President Joe Biden on International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day honors a truth we live every day—that women and girls are essential to success and progress in every aspect of our society. Promoting opportunities for women and girls strengthens security, stability, and prosperity for everyone. And we know that we cannot solve any of the great global challenges of our time if half the population is…

A Proclamation on Bill of Rights Day, 2023

     On December 15, 1791, after years of debate and deliberation, our forebearers ratified the Bill of Rights.  In doing so, they forever enshrined the fundamental rights and liberties we hold sacred as Americans and set in motion the greatest self-governance experiment in the history of the world.      The freedoms guaranteed by the Bill…

Statement from President Joe Biden on the 14th Anniversary of the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act

Fourteen years ago, the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act became the law of the land as the first bill signed during the Obama-Biden Administration. This law creates important protections against pay discrimination and has helped close persistent gender and racial wage gaps that disadvantage women, particularly women of color, in the workplace. But fourteen years…

Vice President Harris Launches Nationwide “Fight for Our Freedoms College Tour” to Mobilize Students and Young People in the Fight for Their Rights

At around a dozen schools across at least seven states, the Vice President will bring thousands of students together around the fight for reproductive freedom, common sense gun safety laws, climate action, voting rights, LGBTQ+ equality, and teaching America’s full history.   As students across the nation return to school, Vice President Kamala Harris will embark…

A Proclamation on Blind Americans Equality Day, 2021

Thirty-one years ago, our Nation moved closer to fulfilling its foundational promise of equal dignity and opportunity for all with the enactment of the landmark Americans with Disabilities Act.  This bipartisan legislation — which I proudly co-sponsored as a member of the United States Senate — has made a profound difference in the lives of blind Americans,…

Remarks by President Biden at a St. Patrick’s Day Brunch with Catholic Leaders

THE PRESIDENT:  Thank you.  (Applause.)  Well, happy St. Patrick’s Day. Please — (applause).  Well, thank you, thank you, thank you.  Thank you for making me look so good in front of my daughter.  (Laughter.)  Please sit.  Well, good morning everyone.  AUDIENCE:  Good morning. THE PRESIDENT:  Taoiseach, I’m so glad to get to spend the day together again. Your Eminence, thank…

Neera Tanden Remarks to Press on Pride Month Actions

As Prepared For Delivery: Good evening, everyone. Happy Pride! In my new role as Domestic Policy Advisor, I am proud to help lead our Administration’s ongoing and historic efforts to advance equality, dignity, and safety for this community. As you know, President Biden has already developed a historic record of supporting the LGBTQI+ community—from signing…

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