Nominations Sent to the Senate

Nancy G. Abudu, of Georgia, to be United States Circuit Judge for the Eleventh Circuit, vice Beverly Baldwin Martin, retired.      Jennifer M. Adams, of Virginia, a Career Member of the Senior Foreign Service, Class of Career Minister, to be Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United States of America to the Republic of Cabo…

Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jen Psaki, May 17, 2021

James S. Brady Press Briefing Room 12:06 P.M. EDT MS. PSAKI:  Hi everyone.  Happy Monday.  Okay, a couple of things happening around here today.  Today is the deadline to file your taxes.  That’s not a reminder to all of you, but take it as one if you’d like to.  And we encourage everyone to file as…

Statement by White House Spokesperson Jen Psaki on the Visit of President Reuven Rivlin of Israel

President Biden looks forward to welcoming Israeli President Reuven Rivlin to the White House on June 28, 2021.  President Rivlin’s visit will highlight the enduring partnership between the United States and Israel and the deep ties between our governments and our people.  It will be an opportunity to consult about the many challenges and opportunities facing…

Readout of Vice President Kamala Harris Call with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel

Vice President Kamala Harris spoke today by phone with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel, and underscored the Biden-Harris Administration’s commitment to the U.S.-Israel partnership. The Vice President emphasized the United States’ unwavering commitment to Israel’s security. She expressed strong support for Israel’s recent groundbreaking normalization agreements with countries in the Arab and Muslim world, and stressed…

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