Remarks by President Biden During a Tour of McHenry County College
McHenry County College
Crystal Lake, Illinois
1:22 P.M. CDT
Q Mr. President, Mitch McConnell says you’re in for a heck of a fight on this one.
THE PRESIDENT: Mitch McConnell loves our programs. Did you see what Mitch McConnel said? He told me he wasn’t going to get a single vote in order to allow me to get, with the help of everybody here, that $1.9 trillion tax cut — I mean, excuse me, program to — for economic growth.
Look it up, man. He’s bragging about in Kentucky: “It’s a great thing for Kentucky. It’s getting $4 billion to help poor.” It’s amazing. Check out Mitch McConnell. You can even see it on TV.
Anyway, thanks. Thank you.
1:22 P.M. CDT