South Lawn

(July 21, 2021)

THE PRESIDENT:  We answered enough questions today.  The only reason I’m stopping: I feel badly you’re here this hour of the night.
Q    Mr. President, can you clarify what you said about no — that there’s no — no one in the Democratic Party is anti-police?
THE PRESIDENT:  I didn’t say that.
Q    I know that you said you don’t want to defund the police —
THE PRESIDENT:  I said that that — that is not the Democratic Party’s position. 
Q    Okay.
THE PRESIDENT:  I’m the Democratic Party; I am President.  So is the Speaker of the House and so is the –- the Majority Leader.  We are not the defunding the police.
Q    Okay.  And are there people who — in the Democratic Party, who want to defund the police?
THE PRESIDENT:  Are there people in the Republican Party who think we’re sucking the blood out of kids?

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