South Lawn

12:20 P.M. EST

Q    President Biden, why did your administration reject the holiday testing surge in October?  Does the buck stop with you there — rejecting the surge? 

THE PRESIDENT:  We didn’t reject it. 

Q    What did the governors tell you they’re worried about?

THE PRESIDENT:  Well, they’re not — they didn’t tell me they’re worried, but they thanked me for the cooperation they’re getting.  They said they’ve gotten all that they need.  They just want to know what we think is going to happen from here. 

They asked Dr. Fauci some more questions about everything from whether or not he thought he was going to move to test at home — I mean, on air flights and that kind of thing. 

But there was no — there were no complaints.  There was a lot of cooperation. 

12:21 P.M. EST

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