Lee esta nota de prensa en español aquí.

Today, Earth Day, the Biden-Harris Administration announced the availability of all chapters of the Fifth National Climate Assessment (NCA5) in Spanish. This marks the first time that the National Climate Assessment has been translated into Spanish, greatly broadening the reach and accessibility of the U.S. government’s premier resource for communicating climate risks, impacts, and solutions and underscoring the Administration’s commitment to reaching all Americans across the country.

“The Fifth National Climate Assessment is the most up-to-date and comprehensive assessment of how climate change is affecting people and the actions they are taking across the United States—and highlights that more action is needed,” said Jane Lubchenco, Deputy Director for Climate and Environment at the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy. “President Biden has taken historic action to meet the climate crisis. Releasing the NCA5 today in Spanish underscores his Administration’s commitment to reach out to all Americans where they are—including Latinos—and to ensure they have access to the best-available science, understanding, and solutions to climate change impacts in the United States.”

The NCA5 was led by the U.S. Global Change Research Program highlights particular impacts on Latino communities, including:

  • Across the country, Latino communities face disproportionate water security impacts as a result of climate-driven water quality and quantity hazards.
  • Latino residents are more likely to live in floodplains, and flood risk across the country is expected to disproportionately impact areas with more Latino residents.
  • Across the country, Latino communities experience, or are projected to experience, numerous climate-related health impacts, from disproportionate exposure to extreme heat to increased incidence of asthma as a result of worsening air quality.
  • Under the best global warming scenario by the end of the century, Latino populations will be more likely to experience the highest reduction in labor hours due to extreme high temperatures compared with other demographic groups.    

Spanish-language PDFs of each chapter can be accessed on the NCA5 website, and a Spanish-language webinar on the findings of the U.S. Caribbean chapter is also available.

On May 14, 2024, 3-4 p.m. ET, USGCRP will host a Spanish-language webinar to share about the NCA5 Spanish translation and to share opportunities to participate in the Sixth National Climate Assessment (NCA6). Register here to attend La Evaluación Nacional del Clima: Resumen de Hallazgos y Oportunidades Para Participar.


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