Data and Research
The ONDCP Drug Control Data Dashboard was mandated by Congress (21 USCA § 1705 (f)) and provides a machine-readable and interactive collection of drug data from many sources. ONDCP compiles these data from primary data sources and works with the data source agencies and organizations to regularly update the Dashboard. The Dashboard provides users the ability to search topics by year, agency, drug, and, to a limited degree, geographic location.
Please note: Although data are available for many specific drug topics, some are incomplete or dated and in need of new or updated data and research.
For an overview of the drug data dashboards and their respective Substance Use Disorder Prevention that Promotes Opioid Recovery and Treatment for Patients and Communities (SUPPORT) Act requirements, please visit the Drug Control Data Dashboard.
Access the individual Drug Control Data Dashboards here:
Fatal and Non-fatal Overdoses
Opioid-Related Hospital Visits
Unintentional Drug Overdose Deaths
Drug Overdose and Other Injury Deaths
Supply Reduction
Drug Seizures Submitted to Forensic Labs
Drug Production, Cultivation, and Eradication
Arrests by Type of Offense and Drug
Substance Use
Dispensed Opioid Prescriptions
Positive Drug Tests in the Workforce
Positive Drug Tests Among Male Arrestees
Substance Use Disorder Treatment
Medicaid Beneficiaries Treated for a SUD