Every year, administrative burdens make it harder for millions of individuals, families, and small businesses to receive government benefits and services for which they may be eligible. For some individuals, families or small businesses, these burdens—costs like the “time tax” required to learn about a program, fill out paperwork, assemble required documents, and schedule visits to government offices—completely prevent access to much-needed benefits. Others may succeed in accessing benefits, but pay a heavy cost through lost time, additional stress, stigma, or more.

The Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) is working to fix this. In April 2022, OIRA launched an initiative to work with Federal agencies to (1) more accurately estimate all of the different burdens faced by the public when attempting to access public benefits and services and (2) reduce those burdens. Since then, OIRA and Federal agencies have been working together to identify and implement burden reduction opportunities through regulations and changes to forms. OIRA has also fostered the sharing of leading practices, lessons, and tools for reducing burdens across the Federal government.

You can read more about OIRA’s burden reduction initiative below.

Burden Reduction Report

OIRA publishes an annual progress report on the burden reduction initiative, summarizing initiatives across all of government, and providing in-depth case studies of various burden reduction efforts, including their impact on individuals, families, and small businesses.

Memorandum and Guidance

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