NOVEMBER 1, 2024

Discussion and Consideration for Approval of PCAST Letter & REPORTS to the President:
Federal Research and Development
A REVIEW Of The Networking and Information Technology Research and Development (NITRD) progrAM

View the Federal Register Notice and Meeting Agenda.

SEPTEMBER 12, 2024

The Future of Transportation
Transportation Infrastructure Planning and Implementation
Transportation Innovations Leading to Opportunities

View the Federal Register Notice, Meeting Agenda, and Speaker Biographies, and Written Public Comments.

Future of Transportation Presentations: Kockelman, Levine

Transportation Infrastructure Presentations: Nealer, Kolodin, Ford

Transportation Innovations Leading to Opportunities Presentations: Olson, Krajewski

JULY 11, 2024

Research with Societal Impacts: Climate Resilience
Discussion and Consideration for Approval of PCAST Letter to the President: EXPANDING STEM Talent in the Federal Workforce
Research and Researchers on the Horizon

View the Federal Register Notice, Meeting Agenda, Speaker Biographies, and Written Public Comments.

Research with Societal Impacts Presentations: Ajibade, McGovern, Wright

PCAST Federal STEM Workforce Letter Presentation: Dan Arvizu

Research and Researchers on the Horizon Presentations: Anderegg, Vance, Bell

MAY 22, 2024

The National Purpose of Research
EmergiNg research models at universities
Recent Activities Relevant to PCAST Reports

View the Federal Register Notice, Meeting Agenda, Speaker Biographies, and Written Public Comments.

The National Purpose of Research Presentations: Goldston, Margonelli

Emerging Research Models at Universities Presentations: McCrary, Plaut

APRIL 23, 2024

A REPORT ON Supercharging Research: Harnessing Artificial Intelligence to Meet Global Challenges

View the Federal Register Notice, Meeting Agenda, and Written Public Comments.

PCAST AI Report Presentation: Terence Tao and Laura Greene

MARCH 14, 2024

DISCUSSION AND CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL: A Vision for Advancing Nutrition in the United States
joint session with the United Kingdom’s Prime Minister’s Council for Science and Technology to discuss global challenges

View the Federal Register Notice, Meeting Agenda, Meeting Minutes, Speaker Biographies, and Written Public Comments.

PCAST Nutrition Report Presentation: Cathie Woteki and Frances Colon

Global Challenges Presentations: Cummings, Green, Kapnick, Pidgeon

JANUARY 18, 2024

A REPORT ON STRATEGY for cyber-physical resilience & A REPORT ON Accelerating Effective Reduction of Greenhouse Gas Emissions

View the Federal Register Notice, Meeting Agenda, Meeting Minutes, and Written Public Comments.

PCAST Cyber-Physical Resilience Report Presentation: Phil Venables and Eric Horvitz

PCAST Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions Report Presentation: Inez Fung

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